Outdoor Winter Activities

Snowshoe lending program 

Please email recreation@eaststpaul.com or call/text (204) 391-1367 to book a time slot to pick up snowshoes from the East St. Paul Arena at 266 Hoddinott Rd. Limited quantities available, they will be lent out on a first-come, first-served basis. Program available for residents of East St. Paul. Proof of residence required at pick-up. 


Pick-up available Monday - Friday, except on holidays.

Adult & Children's snowshoes will be available. Sizes available include: 

Kids: max 90 lb

Medium: Up to 200 lb

Outdoor Rinks

Note: Due to ice re- surfacer maintenance, there will be limited maintenance on the outdoor rink until further notice.

Rinks will be cleared of snow. 

Outdoor dressing rooms hours will be:

Monday to Friday: 2pm - 10pm

Saturday & Sunday: 10am - 10pm 

We apologize for the inconvenience. 


Dressing Room Hours (Weather-Permitting):

Monday - Friday from 2pm - 10pm

Saturday & Sunday from 10am - 10pm