The RM of East St Paul follows the Province of Manitoba Highways guidelines for start and end dates of 2025 Spring Road Restrictions.
Please visit the Provincial website for the latest update on scheduling.
Spring Road Restrictions aim to protect roadways from damage during spring thaw conditions.
The Municipality requests the cooperation of its citizens and the trucking industry.
If you have further questions, please contact the Operations Department at (204) 668-8336 or email
The Rural Municipality of East St. Paul
Spring Road Restrictions
All roads are classified as “class B” roadways as defined under the Manitoba Highway Traffic Act.
Loading will be restricted to 90 percent of normal loading for all axles, including the steering axle, on Hoddinott Road.
Loading will be restricted to 65 percent of normal loading for all axles, including the steering axle, on all other roads
EXCEPT the following:
Council requests the co-operation of its citizens and the trucking industry. |