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Public Services & Facilities

The Public Services & Facilities Department has an office in the East St. Paul Operations building and is responsible for reporting to Council on all matters relating to:

  • Municipal parks and recreation, land, buildings, and equipment, including the acquisition, maintenance and disposal of such property (Senior Centre, Sports Complex, Arena, parks, etc.);

  • essential projects and work considered to be essential, with detailed estimates of the projects;

  • Municipal weed control and Municipal spraying program.

There are approximately 45 acres of soccer and baseball fields to maintain as well as approximately 100 acres of green space.

The buildings that fall under this Department are:

  • Senior Centre
  • Arena and Banquet Hall
  • Community Centre
  • Sportsplex Building

The Department has 6 full time employees, 10 seasonal employees, as well as the following equipment: 4 gators, a 1 ton truck, 2 half tons, 8 72" grass cutters, a 54" riding mower, 21 weed eaters, 2 zambonies, and a Kabota tractor with a snow blower attachment.

The Public Services & Facilities Department is also responsible for the Municipal banquet hall operations and rentals and the maintenance of all recreation fields (baseball diamonds, soccer fields, etc.) The Department also controls the TransCanada Trail, Silver Springs Wildlife Park and various walking trails and paths in housing subdivisions.


Chris Pilat
Public Services & Facilities Supervisor
2801 Gateway Rd.
East St Paul, MB R2E 0J6
Phone: (204) 668-8336
Fax: (204) 667-8312