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Council Meeting Calendar

Here is the schedule of 2025 Regular Council & Planning Meetings:

January 14 @ 5:30pmRegular Council 
January 28 @ 5:30pmPlanning/Council
February 11@ 5:30pmRegular Council 
February 25 @ 5:30pmPlanning/Council
March 11@ 5:30pmRegular Council
March 25 @ 5:30pmPlanning/Council
April 8 @ 9:00amRegular Council
April 22 @ 5:30pmPlanning/Council
May 13 @ 9:00am Regular Council
May 27 @ 5:30pm Planning/Council
June 10 @ 9:00am Regular Council
June 24 @ 5:30pm Planning/Council
July 15 @ 5:30pm Planning/Council
August 19 @ 5:30pm Planning/Council
September 9 @ 9:00am Regular Council
September 23 @ 5:30pm Planning/Council
October 14 @ 9:00am Regular Council
October 28 @ 5:30pm Planning/Council
November 4 @ 9:00am Regular Council
November 18 @ 5:30pm Planning/Council
December 9 @ 5:30pm Planning/Council


If you would like to appear before Council as a delegation, please fill out the form below. After review, we will notify you of the Council Meeting you will be appearing in.

Delegation Application Form

Delegation Procedures for Council Meetings:

The Chair may limit the time taken by a delegation to ten (10) minutes, after which Council may wish to ask questions of the delegates. All questions must be channeled through the Chair. A maximum of three (3) people from the delegation will be allowed to speak provided all three speakers have previously registered to be part of the delegation.

To allow members of Council to prepare for delegations, all presenters shall register in writing with the Chief Administrative Officer no later than 10:00 am on the Thursday before the council meeting and advise the Chief Administrative Officer in writing of the topic and scope of the presentation.

There shall not be a limit to the number of delegations included on the agenda of a council meeting, but the Chief Administrative Officer is granted authority to schedule delegations as deemed appropriate.

The Chair may terminate a presentation if the spokesperson displays inappropriate behaviour or improper conduct.

No member of Council shall express their personal opinion or that any specific action should be taken until the delegation has ended and after debate has taken place during Business Arising from Delegations.

Council Meeting Information:

At Public Hearings the purpose and information is presented by the principals; residents are given the opportunity to speak for and against the proposal; principal presenters have the opportunity to respond to the comments; public recommendations can be given and then Council debates the issue and by resolution makes a decision. Council may act only by resolution and a resolution is not valid unless it is passed at a Regular or Special Meeting of Council.

In Camera Meetings: A council meeting may be closed to the public if during a council meeting, Council decides to meet in camera to discuss a matter but the decision and general nature of the matter are recorded in the minutes. This can only be done if the matter discussed relates to municipal assistance, personnel matters, unresolved legal matters, issues dealing with security of documents or property, or preliminary discussions which if discussed in public could prejudice the Municipality's ability to carry out an activity or negotiation. No resolution or By-law can be passed at an "In Camera" meeting except one to reopen a public meeting.

From time to time, regular council meetings need to be rescheduled and residents should confirm the meeting date, time and location with the Municipal Office. Delegations wishing to appear before Council can also contact the Municipal Office for the proper procedure. All council meetings are open to the public, but in order for a delegation to be on the agenda, requests and background information must be submitted to the Municipal Office the Thursday before the meeting